Foam Sheathing

The Foam Sheathing Committee (FSC) serves as a manufacturing-driven organization focused on developing solutions to building code issues and promoting the proper technical use of foam sheathing to the construction industry.

Find more resources about Foam Sheathing on the Continuous Insulation website.

No. Sort descending Report Title Report Holder
DRR 1202-01 NFPA 285 Tested Assemblies Using Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Products
DRR 1202-03 Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Products in Exterior Walls of Type V Construction
DRR 1202-04 Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Products in Exterior Walls of Type I, II, III, or IV Construction
DRR 1205-05 Construction Details for the Use of Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing in Light-Frame Construction
DRR 1303-04 Attachment of Exterior Wall Coverings through Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing to Wood Wall Framing Legacy Document
DRR 1304-01 Attachment of Windows with Integral Flanges through Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing to Wood Framing Legacy Document
DRR 1410-05 Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Products & Accessories Used as a Code Compliant Water-Resistive Barrier (WRB) System
DRR 1410-06 Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Used as an Air Barrier Material in an Air Barrier Assembly
DRR 1509-10 Prescriptive Requirements for Installation of Vinyl Siding over Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Legacy Document
DRR 1707-02 Attachment of Exterior Wall Coverings through Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing to Cold-formed Steel Wall Framing Legacy Document